Author: WP Guru

  • E-Commerce Training for Beginners in Los Angeles

    This is a great beginners’ workshop for entrepreneurs and startups. Got products to sell online. Want a bigger piece of the profits compared to higher commissions charged by E-Bay and Amazon. Woo-commerce is an easier  alternative compared to Shopify, Squarespace, Wix. Build your dream business online today.

  • SEO Basics for Bloggers in Los Angeles

    Rank ahead of the competition. I get asked this a lot. How do I get more traffic ? The answer to this is SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ). Attend my Five Hour SEO Crash Course for beginners. This is one of my most popular workshops for owners of WordPress sites. I teach both one-on-one…

  • Los Angeles 4-hour WordPress Crash Course

    Come attend my Half- Day WordPress crash course for bloggers in Koreatown, LA. WordPress is in the top ranking for blogging tools. Got a story to share, a business to promote, or products to sell? Then sign up for my blogging seminar for entrepreneurs, creative artists, and bloggers. Workshop Dates: February 6 – March 6,…

  • WordPress Crash Course in Brooklyn/NYC

    WordPress for Beginners in New York City Sign up for the 4-hour training . Register here. There is a much better web builder than Wix or Weebly . WordPress is the best. 810 Million Plus WordPress sites are out there in the world. We are talking about 43 % of all websites. Dates available: March 12-…

  • San Francisco WordPress Bootcamp for Beginners

    Create a travel or food blog, a business or Ecommerce website with WordPress in One Day – San Francisco Who will benefit from these WordPress live training : 1) Absolute beginners who are brand new to WordPress and starting from zero knowledge. You can ask me all your WP related questions and quickly learn the basics and more.2) Entrepreneurs &…

  • Baltimore WordPress Training for Beginners

    WordPress Crash Course for small businesses, startups, and non-profits Ask all the questions you want to want to know about how to build a dynamic, high traffic website using WordPress. I will be coming to Baltimore, Maryland to teach  WordPress, E-Commerce, & SEO Techniques. Workshop Dates:  February 8 – March 8, 2025Workshops Fees: $ 250…